A series of illustrations of the beloved Baker Library building and tower has been developed to provide another layer of imagery to the design system and can be used alone or paired with photography, patterns, or icons.
Baker Library
The full Baker Library illustration has been created in a variety of widths to allow for flexibility when incorporated into various formats. We recommend using this illustration at 1 1/2 inches wide or wider to maintain the detail. Download Baker Library [EPS]

Baker Library Tower – 1-Color
The 1-color version of the Baker Library tower should be used if there is a need to closely crop in on the tower. Use it in a circle as shown, or as a standalone graphic using the organic “ribbon” edge. We recommend using crimson for the background color, but other colors from the palette are acceptable if there is adequate contrast. The building width should be 1/2 inch wide or wider to maintain the detail. Download Baker Library Tower – 1-Color [EPS]

Baker Library Tower – Shaded
The shaded Baker Library tower is a slightly more detailed, illustrative version. The crimson can be changed to other brand colors, but it is recommended that the highlights (white) and shadows (black) remain as they are. The building width should be 1/2 inch wide or wider to maintain the detail. Download Baker Library Tower – Shaded [EPS]