The Goal of these Guidelines
These policies have one over-arching goal: to make clear that student club activities are club activities and not Harvard Business School activities.
When judging your club materials (posters, Web site, etc.), take a step back and ask yourself if a neutral observer might mistake them for School materials (instead of club materials). If the answer is “yes”, a clearer communication that they are coming from your student club is needed.
Naming Your Event
Clubs are student-run organizations and their events, promotions, lectures, conferences, etc. are sponsored by the clubs – not Harvard Business School.
Therefore, “Harvard Business School (or HBS) Biochemistry Symposium” is incorrect. The correct title would be ” Science Club Biochemistry Symposium” or simply “Biochemistry Symposium.”
Identifying Your Club
Club names may not include “Harvard Business School,” “HBS,” or “Harvard” in their official club name. Either “Student Clubs of HBS, Inc” or “A Student Club at Harvard Business School” must accompany club names on all marketing materials – web, print, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
Correct Formats
Fiction Club, Student Clubs of HBS, Inc. (must be used in club contracts)
Fiction Club
Student Clubs of HBS, Inc.
Fiction Club, a Student Club at Harvard Business School
Fiction Club
A Student Club at Harvard Business School
Incorrect Formats
Harvard Business School Fiction Club
HBS Fiction Club
(with the exception of the (grandfathered) HBS Show)
Official HBS logos may only be used with the club name in the lock-up shown below. Do not attempt to recreate the logos or alter them in any way.
Standard Club Lock-Up
The lock-up shown below is available for use online, in print, and on swag items (see additional merchandise guidelines below) where appropriate. The lock-up can be requested from MBA Clubs.

Original / Custom Club Logos
Original club logos may not incorporate the HBS wordmark, acronym mark, or shield logo in any way. The official shield logo should not be visually referenced in any way. To identify HBS, the full legal club name must be used, as in the example below.
Clubs must utilize an outside vendor to create original logos.
Products & Merchandise
Merchandise designs must be approved by MBA Clubs. (Art must follow logo guidelines above.)
The Harvard Trademark Program requires that all products (t-shirts, etc.) depicting the official logos be produced by licensed vendors. Many clubs use the Student Association, which as a licensee of the University is authorized to produce such items. If another vendor is chosen (including MSP Digital in the basement of Spangler), prior written approval must be obtained from the Harvard Trademark Program.
Stationery & Envelopes: If your club would like to use stationery or envelopes with the name and/or shield logo, you MUST go through the Student Association.
Uniform Exception: Club uniforms worn in competition are a special case and may include the official logos, but only when the standard design provided is used. Request production files from MBA Clubs (please specify club name and light or dark shirt color).
Social Media
Follow the guidelines below when representing a student club on any social media platform.
Naming Convention: Club name followed by “at HBS” (e.g., “Entrepreneurship Club at HBS”)
Positioning Statement: The following statement should be added to a club’s bio or description on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. “This is a student-run page (or group) and is not managed by Harvard Business School (HBS).”
Avatars: All official student clubs can obtain a standard avatar from MBA Clubs. These graphics are only to be used on social media channels and applications with image size restrictions that make the standard lock-up impractical. (Clubs may design original social media graphics but must follow logo guidelines in the Custom Club Logos section above.)

(These guidelines also apply to registration pages hosted by event management sites (i.e., Eventbrite, etc.).)
A club url should indicate that the site is sponsored by a student club and not by HBS or Harvard.
Clubs are required to submit proposed urls to the MBA Student Clubs team prior to purchase for review and approval.
Corporate Sponsors
Club websites should not display company names and/or logos on the main homepage. Club websites must have a separate web page designated to display company sponsorships.
Logo Disclaimer
When using the standard club lock-up that incorporates the HBS shield logo, the website’s homepage must state:
“The Harvard name and the VERITAS shield are trademarks of the President and Fellows of Harvard College and are used by permission of Harvard University.”
Photo Library
To provide cost-effective and high-quality imagery for student clubs to use, we offer a photo library online.
Usage Rights for Clubs: The School tries to purchase club usage rights for photo shoots whenever feasible so photos will be available to the clubs without a fee. These photos can be found by:
- finding the “Online Photo Library” section on this page,
- logging in as described,
- and choosing “Clubs” on the initial splash screen (at upper right of the modal window).
Photo rights labels can be found in database, in the single photo viewer sidebar. Student clubs can use any photo marked “Unlimited” or “Clubs” in the Usage Rights field. If you would like a photo that is marked “Restricted” or “School-wide,” you will need to negotiate a usage fee with the photographer. For details on how to request a photo, see the “Online Photo Library” section of our Photography page.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact MBA Clubs.