Statistics Topper


data-region: ct__page__statistics

The Statistics Topper starts pages with a title, subtitle, color theme, optional image, optional collection of CTA links, and a collection of short numerical facts.

  • Color Themes: light, dark, white, crimson, red, black
  • Visible Content Fields: title, subtitle, image, CTA links, numerical statistics
  • Instances per Page: one

How it Works

  • Content creators pick a color theme, title, and up to three short numerical facts
  • Subtitle, image, and CTA links are optional


Aspect Ratio (recommended)Width (proportional)Height (proportional)Scaling Behavior
3:2Crops uniformly left and rightFixedHeight is fixed; width will crop (uniformly left and right) on mobile.

Photo will go to square or slightly vertical on tablet and revert to horizontal on phone.


With Image

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Text Only

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